giovedì 6 ottobre 2011

Free credit report free St. Louis

free credit report free St. Louis

I am a placement specialist for the Screening Portal.

We are hired by small and large companies to place them with qualified applicants in your area. Our client forwarded us your response from the ad for this position. After reviewing this, they are interested in moving forward with you to gain further information about you regarding this position.

Our client is a little short on time, as the position is currently vacant. Please complete our simple questionnaire through our secure portal as preparation.

Once you have submitted this, we will be in touch within 3-5 days. Please note that we may contact you free credit report free St. Louis via phone after your initial information is received.

The secure portal is here: Your Personal Application ID is*: xxxxxx *Application codes are only good for 24 hours. credit report access Yes (3) / No free credit report free St. Louis Reply - Report abuse AJ in Merrimack, New Hampshire I don't believe I ever got a call. Though I free credit report free St. Louis don't answer Unknowns on my they may have called but if they did, no voicemail. Yes (2) / No Reply - Report abuse jacki in Clarksville, Tennessee AJ in Merrimack, New Hampshire said: I don't believe I ever got a call. free credit report no credit card required Though I don't answer Unknowns on my they may have called but if they did, no voicemail. hmmm did you enter the same info i did as listed in my post?

i dont think i've fallen victim to identity theft if i didn't provide any other information. Yes (2) / No Reply - Report abuse AJ in Merrimack, New Hampshire Yep, I did exactly what you did. But I just remembered, I got an email about a week later from that credit site Hula Credit saying you didn't complete the form to get your credit score and provided the link to resume where I was. So basically this Screening Portal sent my email address to Hula Credit when I completed the portal. free credit health report

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